Leadership on the Fly

Fly Fish Your Way to being a Better Leader


Fly fishing is one of my passions. As a fly fisherman who works in the field of leadership development, I have seen many similarities between successful fly fishing and inspiring leadership.

A seasoned fly fisher will spend time studying the water and understanding the essential dynamics before making the first cast. The term for this in fly fishing, is to match the hatch.

There are a number of things to consider before taking any action. Every situation you face is different and requires different action to get the best results.

There are so many similar dynamics between mastering fly fishing and leading effectively that an idea began to take shape. The missing piece in leadership will be hosting a week long, Mastery of Leadership Intensive built around the art of fly fishing.

This event will be held for the early fall of 2012 at one of my home state of Colorado’s premier fly fishing destination.

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